

The Bear, the Tall Man and the Short Man.教学设计

发布时间:2019-09-24 17:00 栏目:教学设计 发布单位:教务处 点击量:3601 【公开】

The Bear, the Tall Man and the Short Man.教学设计

青铜峡市铝业学校 张秀霞

一、    学习目标


1、百分之八十的学生会读单词: answer, road, through, forest, heard, noise, afraid, later on, quickly, call, silent, thought, still, move, finally, trouble.







二、    教学过程

Step 1 Warmer

1.    Greetings

2.    T: Look at these pictures. We have learned many stories.

The teacher shows a picture.

T: What’s it about?

Ss: It’s about the bears.

The teacher shows a bear.

T: Today I’ll tell you another story about a bear. It happened in a forest.

Step 2 Presentation

(一)Learn the first part of the story.

1.    Show the main characters in the story. Show the title of the story. The students read it together.

2.    The students know the story by some pictures

     T: One day, a short man saw a tall man on a bridge.

3.    The students read the first part of the story and think of  “ Where did they go?”

The teacher explains the reason that the short man didn’t want to go the way through the forest.

(二)Learn the second part of the story.

1. What happened? Draw the line under the short man and the tall man’s dialogue.

2. The students say out the dialogue.

the short man                             the tall man

What's that?                           I think it's a bear.

I'm afraid.                              Don't worry. I know what to do.

I know that's a bear.              Don't worry. I know what to do.

Look! I can see a bear.         So can I. But it doesn't see us.

      What can we do?                  Let's climb this tree.

Please help me.

The teacher acts the action of the short man on the screen.

The short man lay down. He was very still and very quiet. He climbed quickly up into the tree.

(三)Learn the third part of the story.

1. Get the students read the third part of the story after the story.

2. The teacher explains some difficult sentences.

He is a very tall man but he is not a very good friend.

A good friend will help you when you are in trouble.

Step 3 Practice

(一)  Play the game:

1.    Two students read and judge

. There aren’t many bears in the forest.

.  A bear came to the forest.

. The short man climbed the tree quickly.

. The tall man helped the short man.

. The story happened in a forest.

2. Show the correct answer and get all the students read them together.

() Act the story

1. Four students act the story in their group. Two groups show their play.

2. Make a conclusion:

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。

The teacher shows the key words of friendship: help,  real friend

Step 4 Summary

Let's read the poem “Why” about friendship.


A friend should be kind and sweet.

A friend should walk and talk.

And warm your feet.

A friend should hold your hand.

And cry and wonder why.

Step 5 Home work

Write the story in a short passage.


Time: One day

Place: In the forest

the tall man                               help                                         

the short man                       real friend 




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