

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

发布时间:2020-12-21 11:25 栏目:教学研究 发布单位:青铜峡市第五中学 点击量:844 【公开】

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Section A -1a-1c

青铜峡市第五中学 何鑫

.Teaching aims:

1.Knoeledge aims:

Key Words: banana ,tomato, strawberry, pear, hamburger, salad , milk, bread, ice cream

Target language:

1)— Do you like salad?

 —No, I don’t./ Yes, I do.

2)—Does he like pears?

 —Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.

2.Ability aims:

1).Students can distinguish countable nouns and uncountable nouns after this class.

2).Learn to talk about likes and dislikes.

3.Emotional aims:

Learn to eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food.

.1.Teaching important points:

   Key words and phrases

   2.Teaching difficult points:

Distinguish countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

   Talk about likes and dislikes.

. Teaching methods:

Task-based methodCommunicative method

.Teaching aids:

Multi-media computer

.Teaching procedures:

Step1 Showing learning aims

1.      Students read key words and target language together.

2.      Teacher the learning aims for students.


Step 2 Warming up

  1.Before our class, teacher divides all students into 8 groups. If they raise their hands and answer a question, they will get one score. Finally, the winner will get a gift.(将学生分组,在上课前讲清楚竞争机制,激发学生的积极性。)

2.New words

Can you say out their English names?(Students see some pictures and say their English names: banana, tomato, strawberry, pear, salad ,hamburger, milk, bread, ice cream)  (使学生对于这节课上课时将会遇到的单词有一个预先的准备。)

Step 3 Pre-listening

1.      Teacher shows some real fruits and asks some questions to help them distinguish the singular and plural of countable nouns and lead in today’s new sentences: Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

A:What's this?                  A:What are these?

B: It's a...                      B: They are ...

A:Do you have a...?             A:Do you have ...?

B:Yes,Ido./No, I don't.           B:Yes,Ido./No, I don't.

A:Do you like it?               A:Do you like them?

B:Yes, I do./No, I don't.          B:Yes, I do./No, I don't.

(复习unit5 所学过的句型:Do you have a …? 引出本节课将要学习的句型: Do you like…?

2.      Students read some phrases and summarize the characteristics of countable nouns.

a tomato            three tomatoes

a pear                             three pears

an orange                       two oranges

a strawberry                   three strawberries

a banana                         three  bananas

Students read the tongue twister together:可数名词真是好,数数就能知多少,冠词在前哈哈笑,复数变化他不恼。


3.      Teacher asks several students to review grammar rules about how singulars become plurals.

1). 一般情况下,在词尾加s ,如 bananas, apples, oranges.

2). s, x, sh, ch结尾的单词加es,如 watches, boxes , buses.

3). o结尾的单词,有生命的加es,tomatoes , potatoes;

无生命的加s,photo s, radio s.

4). 以辅音字母y结尾的单词,yi,再加es,strawberries, dictionaries.    以元音字母y结尾的单词,直接加s,boys, monkeys .

5).ffe结尾的单词,ffev,再加es,leaves , wolves.


    4.Students see some pictures and answer questions then observe some phrases, and summarizes characteristics of uncountable nouns.

      milk        some milk

      bread       some bread

      salad       some salad

            ice-cream   some ice-cream

      Students read the tongue twister together:不可数名词有点怪,直接数他数不开,复数变化他不理睬,冠词在前他不爱.


5.Teachers invites two students to check if they have checked the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.


6. Students read the words in 1a together and match the words with the things in the picture. Then check the answers.

(学生提前熟悉在1a 部分会遇到的单词,帮助其更快更好地完成练习。)

Step 4 While- listening

1.      Listen and number the conversations[1-3].

2.      Listen again and fill in the blanks. Teacher finds one student to fill in the blanks on the whiteboard while the others do on their excise paper. Check the answers and let students read the conversations together.


Step 5 Post- listening

1.      Look at the pictures and practice the conversations with your partner.

A:Do you like…?          B :Yes, I do. I like…/         

                           No, I don’t. I don’t like…

A:Does she/he like…?      B:Yes, she/he does. She/He likes…/

No, she/he doesn't. She/He doesn't like…

温馨提示:可数名词别忘记-s -es


2.      Teacher finds one student to ask a question: Do you like…? And other students listen carefully. Then asks another student : Does she/he like…?

After two examples, students try to make their own conversations. It is better, if there are more students make conversations.

A:Do you like…?          B :Yes, I do. I like…/         

                           No, I don’t. I don’t like…

C:Does she/he like…?      D:Yes, she/he does. She/He likes…/

                           No, she/he doesn't. She/He doesn't like…


3.      Teacher finds one student to classify all words into healthy food and unhealthy food.

4.      Teacher shows a proverb:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. And tells students eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food.

5.      (使学生对所吃的食物是否健康有所认识,帮助其认识到我们应该吃更多健康的食物和更少的不健康的食物。)

Step 6 Summary

 Teacher finds some students to summarize the key words and target language we learned together.


Step 7 Added Practice

Final task

      4 students for a group. Complete the food survey. Then make your survey report.




Doesn’t Likes

Teacher finds several students share their survey report like this:I like...but I don't like... He/She likes ... but he/she doesn't like... He/She likes ... but he/she doesn't like...   He/She likes ... but he/she doesn't like...


Step 8 Homework

 Finish exercise 4 on exercise paper.

Ⅵ. Blackboard design

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Section A (1a-1c)

A:Do you like bananas/salad?

B:  Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.


A:Does she/he like…?

B:Yes, she/he does./ No, she/he doesn't.


Ⅶ.Teaching reflection(教学反思)

第一,导入和Pre-listening 部分用的时间过长,应该只选择其中的一两个物品来进行导入、示范,让学生对名词单复数有所认识就可以。第二,对于语法的插入,在实在找不到微课的情况下,老师不应该以大量的文字进行讲解,而是应该以表格或者顺口溜的方式一带而过。通过这种方式,既可以让学生认识到名词的单数和复数之间的区别,又可以节省下来大量的时间,让学生用这些时间去进行本节课对重点内容的反复练习。第三就是对板书的设计,虽然现在提倡信息化教学,但是板书的设计还是必不可少的,老师应该事先设计好板书,并且在讲解的过程中将本节课的重点内容有条理,清晰地展现在黑板上,给学生做好表率。第四,在每一个环节应该给学生一些时间,让他们练习,然后老师再提问,用这样的方式让他们首先对接下来要练习的内容和学习的内容有一个准备。第五,在积分的环节,积分的方式需要改进,在黑板上积分有点乱,并且老师很容易忘记积分,学生提出异议,这会导致课堂纪律混乱。第六,游戏环节应该将最后的成果展示出来,将游戏的答案展示出来,可以让学生认识到到底哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词这样会更加直观。第七,学生发音方面出现了一些小错误,我没有及时的纠正。在当把可数名词变成复数的时候,清辅音后面加S读的应该是[s],浊辅音后面读[z],这一点,我在备课的过程中,没有考虑到,在上课,学生读错的时候也没有及时的纠正。初一的学生还处于英语学习的初始阶段,因此,老师在备课和讲课的时候,对于他们的一些细微的错误之处应该及时的纠正,为他们以后的学习打好基础。第八,这节课虽然是一个听说课,但是最后还是应当设置一些题来检测学生对本节课内容的掌握,不应该只停留在听和说上。最后虽然我在这节课设置了小组比赛和奖励,但是不能因为小组比赛而占用过多的时间,在对一些重点句型的练习上,老师还是应该叫全班学生起来,让他们一个挨着一个都对这个重点句型进行练习。



































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